Carla Wills-Brandon
“The mind, the body and the soul weave an intimate tapestry. Recognizing this simple fact is essential to healing”
A recent survey suggests more than half of Britons believe in psychic powers such as mind-reading and premonitions. Are religion and the spirit world at odds? Can one not investigate the paranormal if they are a church going, temple hopping, mosque devoted soul? What do you think? Hear how religion often intersects with the paranormal. Learn who in the religious world believes paranormal investigation is “evil.” Discover that many clergy members believe after death contact should be supported!
Pop culture and the media would have us believe that Kabbalah is an invention of rock star “Madonna.” Wrong-O! Are you aware that Kabbalah is actually rooted in mysticism which is centuries old. And did you know deathbed visions, after death communications, premonitions and near death experiences were accepted by those who were true practitioners of Kabbalah? Don’t accept the pop culture explanation of this mystical way of thinking. Get the real story.
What do you think? Many scientists would have us believe paranormal activity is the by-product of pure brain chemistry. What if it isn’t that black and white? What if our brain and paranormal experiences are actually intertwined? This show reviews the various theories many researches have with regard to our brain function and paranormal activity.
Dr. Carla interviews Dr. Ron Million, Research and Development Manager for TAPS, the nationally respected paranormal organization which is behind the popular Sci Fi Channel television program, “Ghost Hunters.” Hear how Dr. Million, a scientist working with defense programs measures paranormal activity during his “off” work hours.
Who is thinking for you? Are you feeling pressured by the clergy, skeptics or other nonbelievers to not explore alternative views about afterlife contact? Believe it or not, you are not alone. Hollywood sensationalizes afterlife experiences. Sadly such presentations tend to dehumanize those afterlife encounters every day people are having on a regular basis. If you have ever been curious about REAL afterlife contact, experienced by people just like you, this show will be of interest.